April 04, 2010

In this life, we will experience situations that bring death. Not the death that stops our breathing, but death in the sense that it doesn’t produce life. I’m sure we’ve all been through experiences -whether by choice or not- that either are “life-giving” or “death-producing.” If something is not “life-giving”, it is then “death-producing.”  Many times it is easier to avoid, ignore or deny these “death-producing” situations in our lives. But if we embrace this very death we don’t want to look at… there is a good chance at discovering life in it. Life is discovered when you allow God’s Son, Jesus, to align Himself within you, bringing His life to invade the death in us. He can do that because He’s experienced death Himself and has overcome it through life. Mysteriously, once you’ve surrendered your death to Him, you will begin to feel this life bubble up from within you. It is amazing to me how God can create life out of nothingness. And I constantly remind myself that “our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” II Corinthians 4:17

The images below are of a budding tree in my backyard today (with the 100mm 2.8 macro lens). It reminds me of life… and how new growth is surely to happen in due season.