Thanks, Mom, for the “Mission Down Under” number three! Learn five Australian words… via video… enjoy! this was fun! Oh, also, if you want to check out about a 3min video of a cool little Irish band playing in a cool little cafe in a cool little Australian surfer’s village… watch HERE; and if you want to see a rockin’ 2min Aboriginal dance video, check it out HERE. (it gets hoppin’ about half way through, so it’s worth it to stay with it.)
love this mission!
glad u enjoyed it, katie!
that’s fair dinkum’ cool Johnna! Love it.
thanks gemma!
Mama sez thank you … I can’t wait to get my prize! Well done nonna! Rhonda sez Cheeky! Mama 2 sez Coooool!
thanks, mamazzz! 😉