I was spoiled. Spoiled rotten by having such a lovely, easy-going, hard-working, consistently punctual, eager-to-learn-all-the-time, super creative, always joyously endearing intern, Britt. Upon our first meeting in February, I knew we were a perfect fit for the Summer internship program I offered. Well, Britt’s “Summer” internship turned into Spring, Summer, Fall and a little bit o’ Winter. We both had a brilliant time laughing and learning together and pushing my business forward. I owe a very big Thank You to Britt and I can’t wait to watch her blossom taller than any sunflower out there! Check out her website she’s recently built HERE.
Way to go Britt! and job well done Johnna!
gorgeous gorgeous and gorgeous. 🙂 love you. 🙂
Johnna, these are absolutely beautiful!! I ♥ lifestyle photos! You’re so talented!!! 🙂
aww thanks, Sasha! 🙂