Happy Birthday, Grandma. I don’t even know how old you are turning today because you are timeless to me and you really do have Everlasting Life. When I think of you, I have so many memories that fill so many pockets of time in my life. From walks on 3rd street, to feeding the buffalo a few sliced red apples, your visit to Malaysia to see me graduate, our worship homeschool class, baking cookies in your kitchen, trips to see Granny, antique shopping, drinking malts, making tapioca pudding at night, reading and more reading, and learning about prayer and heaven and angels, hearing your childhood stories, watching your strengths, learning of your weaknesses, teaching you how to use your iPad and Instagram, watching you rise each day with more strength than yesterday, remembering your coffee breath as I sat on your lap on the back porch at 3rd street when I was probably about five years old, and definitely remembering your big worn burgundy Bible that had the name “Gus” engraved on the bottom right hand corner (I still don’t know why grandpa called you that), and knowing that your “quiet time” is the most important part of your day and life -that you don’t miss it for anything -because you love it -not because you feel you have to do it -you want it, I see you literally recharge with more life as if you are slowly drinking from a pot of Gold with a straw each and every morning -this deposits life, strength, and glory in your depths so that you can give to your family. Thank you. Thank you for all these memories and so many more. Thank you for making me a priority for so many years (35) and still do. Thank you for always making time for me and believing in me. Telling me that I’m an encourager and a peacemaker -because that is what I have become. Your words formed and shaped me. Thank you for speaking Life. So many times, even when you were overcoming your own obstacles -you still believed in and spoke LIFE into your family’s destinies. They will all come to pass. Sometimes when I think of how I want to make a difference in this world, I think of you – and if I could just carry out your spirit of and for Life, then I think I will have succeeded -for our next generation. I love you, grandma Connie Jo Post. See you next month for special girl time in the cabin in the woods. xo
*Enjoy my grandma’s blog of wisdom HERE.
*Buy her awesome Poem Book HERE, called To Everything a Season.
*Enjoy more photos of my grandparents HERE.