On October 22, 1966, Peter Helm Post married Connie Jo Cripe and they became one forever. I am forever blessed to call them my grandparents. They have taught me to love in the midst of pain and for the joy of life. In good times and in bad, their love for me, their family, and each other remain unshakeable. They exude grace. They are the definition of grace. Sometimes I think people see my grandparents for who they are now, how wonderful they are -and this is true, but rarely do people recognize the presence of God that has molded and shaped them with the power to love. Sometimes I think people think it is because Pete and Connie are just so great, but in actuality, God is great and is great in them. Recently grandma texted me, “anything in me worthwhile is all because of Him!” and, “Corrie Ten Boom used to say when she got compliments she would enjoy them for the day and then offer them back to The Lord as a bouquet in the evening… So do I.” Seriously, I am blessed beyond comprehension and can only hope and pray that I am half as effective with love to my next generations.
Enjoy some of our captures at their home in Lone Jack, Missouri on October 17, 2016…