July 06, 2010

I have great news. Big news. I have been invited to teach several different photography workshops at the Language Studies International in New York City this September!  LSI is based at the Manhattan campus of the Metropolitan College of New York.  LSI invites foreign exchange students from around the world to practice their English while taking business courses in America. Americans are also welcome to enroll… so come!  I will be teaching three different workshops in two weeks. Two, each one-week long and the other on the weekend. The full flyer with all details can be located HERE or by clicking the image below. If interested in attending any of the workshop courses, the contact information can be found by clicking HERE or HERE, or view the facebook event HERE. Ok, that’s enough “here’s”. ha

*I am also pleased to announce another little exciting thing happening in New York City right now, that I will be able to witness while I’m there… Mr. Danny Goldfield is publishing his photography book project that he has been working on for over 5yrs.  Please read the post just below for details on how to get your hands on this amazing book as well as support Star Shooter: Phototherapy for kids!