My incredible grandparents from Kansas City came to visit me this past week, and left this morning. Instead of school work or massive editing tasks I needed to get done (well I did sneak in a commercial shoot this afternoon), I imported my grandparents pictures we took last night and processed them with VSCO Film 02 -as a way of processing my emotions. I miss them already. They are probably the most amazing human beings I know. You name it, they’ve been through it. Good and bad. Yet, their resilience is infectious. Their joy comes from the Lord and never ceases. It is their strength. They know trials and triumphs, yet they choose life. They aren’t perfect, but definitely forgiving and full of grace. During their stay with me, I was most touched by the way they can make each other laugh in an instant. For no real reasons at all… but simply love. Love is enough, isn’t it? I am blessed to have these two amazing people in my life. Mostly, I am who I am because of them. And I choose to embrace my rich heritage, and pray these same blessings for my next generation. Thank you, grandma and grandpa. Love you forever. xx
*Photographers: This was my first time using VSCO Film 02, and loved it! I found myself using the Fuji Superia 100++, Fuji Superia 100+, Kodak Portra 400 VC-, and Kodak Portra 160 VC; and for the black & whites (none pictured here) I liked the Fuji FP 3000b- and 3000b. Of course, I tweaked the Highlights, Shadows, and Blacks a little. : )